Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Analyzing My Previous Week...

I took a few moments to see what I did wrong last week - and it looks like the main cause is not enough fruits & vegetables  and probably not enough water...so I am packing my meals for tomorrow as soon as I close this blog post.
Moods & Foods: Great mood overall (see my photos that I took and posted in FB) My food is full of veggies today!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Definition of a Plateau...

...at least according to WeightWatchers is - "It's a phenomenon familiar to most people who've tried to shed excess pounds: You're close to your weight-loss goal, and suddenly the numbers on the scale refuse to budge.
You've hit a weight-loss plateau, and you're wondering what's causing the stall."

Well- I will say that I did not lose weight last week BUT I also did NOT gain any weight.  I know what I did wrong and I know how to correct it -so let's see how I do next Sunday!
Moods & Foods: My mood has been good overall the last few days -even though I have been into work every day more than normal...I still love my job!
My food intake has not been the best the last few days..which is reflected by the number on the scale.  It is a "wake-up" call for me this week!!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Giving Back to Your Community

Some of you may ask what this blog title has  to do with weight loss.and the answer would be that you will find many community walks that are sponsoring different things.

I suggest you commit to at least one walk this season! What better way to earn some activity points while helping out the community.
Please feel free to join me on Sunday AM to earn some Activity Points!  You can sign up here... 
I hope to see you there!
Moods & Foods: My mood was good over all - and I was able to stay on point .. the only other thing I can ask for is that I have more folks to walk with on Sunday!!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Dining Out....

...It is possible to eat out and stay on track
- but it is best to plan ahead if possible.

Here are a few tips to guide you...

  • Try to look at the menu online before you go out. This will give you a chance to calculate out your points of what looks appealing to you.
  • Don't be afraid to ask for substitutions.  Will roasted potatoes be a better choice for you than the butter-infused rice pilaf?
  • Have a back-up choice in your mind. Don't be de-railed  because they are out of the fresh fish that you had decided to order before you got to the restaurant.
  • Choose your portions wisely- you may want to take half  of your plate home with you for another meal.
Moods & Foods: I was in a good mood today. We met with some RV friends for lunch today and had a great visit. It is hard to not enjoy yourself on a day like today.
Food choices were wise today. I had many veggies along with some good protein..and this was because I asked for substitutions!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Possible Plateau...

This week has the possibilities to be my first plateau week. There are many things going on and I feel like I am not making the best choices throughout each day this week.
This may be the time that I need to actually exercise each morning from here on out...

Moods & Foods: My mood is much better than the previous 2 days...I got a few things done today - but I also slacked off some too.
I had lots of vegetables today...along with a point friendly "dipping sauce". Don't forget to substitute fat-free items when you mix up things!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Life's Little Irritations...

...and how they can affect your weight loss may play a bigger part than you realize. It is important to pay attention to your eating habits. 

 It is very easy to reach for something like a full bag of chips or a plate full of cookies...

It is important to definitely count your food points when you are irritated. Reach for something healthy or drink a glass of water.  

Moods & Foods: My mood is irritated again...People should always stop and think about what they say to others...It can affect a person's attitude for the full day. I am as guilty as others when it comes to this-
My food could have been better- I should have had more fruits & veggies..but I did not do terrible either.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Is A Downward Trend A Good Thing?

I can think of one time when you would think that a downward trend is a good thing...and that would be on Sunday mornings when I step on the scale!
I am down a little more than a pound this week and that is a pound better than last week!
Keep your fingers crossed for me to have at least that loss again next week!
Moods & Foods: Today I found myself a bit irritated. I need to work harder at not letting certain things bother me. "Little things" can and will affect everything you do-including our food choices.
I was able to avoid a major pitfall by looking up just how many points a dish would be. I was a shocked to realize that I had probably consumed a full day's worth of points the one other time I had this dish before!!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Weigh-In Jitters

I am actually having "Weigh-in" jitters tonight!    Tomorrow marks my second full week on WeightWatchers...so I have my "weigh-in" in the morning. 
 I am sure I lost some weight - but I don't think it will be as much as I had hoped.
I can only tell anyone reading this that the important thing about losing weight is that you never give up!  That weight loss you hoped for may show the following week.
Moods & Foods: I am a bit nervous about tomorrow but I am doing well over all.
I made some great food choices today along with one stupid one.  (I must remember not to eat chips on a Saturday evening!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Weekend Speed-Bumps...

I was talking to a friend and realized there is a danger zone for many people...It is called "The Weekend". 
It made me curious...How do you avoid the "week-end speed bumps"?  I am lucky (or unlucky enough) to work at least one day each weekend so I can avoid the "weekend binges" that many people have, but that is not always the case... 

My friend and I discussed this problem and decided that you must learn "self-control" so that you can have a treat in the house without losing control. Have a snack each evening if you feel like it -BUT you must stop at a small serving!

Moods & Foods: Today was a weird day - a day that I know I MUST take time for myself and eat a decent meal...
My meal planning was not bad if I had customers who decided to wait until I ate..OH well- maybe that will happen one day...

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Wise Choices

 There are many people that go on a weight loss program that don't realize what a difference a few minor changes can make.
I have learned to look for better choices on some of my daily staples.  Here are a couple o examples...

Best Foods Real Mayo  - 3 points  for 1 TB
Best Foods Light Mayo - 1 point per TB

I will also substitute chicken broth for half and half or cream in many of my pasta dishes. Take a look...

Cream          -         10 points for 1/2 cup
Half & Half    -           4 points for 1/2 cup
FF Chicken Broth -    0 points for 2 cups!

These little changes can make a difference in your weight loss at the end of your week.

Moods & Foods: My mood today was great due to my "company" today! Today is my "granddaughter day" so I did get a bit more activity than a normal day.
I was able to make healthy choices in both my granddaughter's lunch and my lunch. I had a great feeling knowing that she & I were both eating healthy meals!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Timely Meals...

Many people do not realize just how important it is to eat at least 3 meals a day. This will fuel your body and keep your metabolism going.
Some people find it is easier to eat 5 or 6 meals a day but they are more like "mini-meals".  Just remember- to eat at least 3 meals a day and eat them near the appropriate time of day!

Moods & Foods: Today was not a bad day at all- I was constantly busy mentally-but I kept  my cool all day long!
I made sure that I ate my vegetables and drank my water today.. I must remember to do that each day!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


..It is important that you drink water each day. The old standard of 8 cups of water a day is no longer valid in many nutritionists opinions, including Weight Watchers.  They have now taken the stance of 6 cups a day.

I do try to drink that as my minimum - it does help to make me feel full and it keeps me hydrated. I think it has other values too -including improving my skin tone and flushing some of the toxins - even though there is nothing to back up those thoughts.
 Drink your 6 glasses a day for a couple of weeks  and then tell me what your own opinions are!
Raise your glass ....Cheers!

Moods & Foods: I was in a good mood all day... I was able to stay busy even though it was a slow "sales day".
I feel like I did not get my water in like I should have today - so today's blog is my own personal reminder ..I was also lacking in my fruits & veggies. I will need to plan better for tomorrow!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Some Pitfalls to Avoid

There are ways to keep yourself safe from temptation when you are at work.  A major thing is to plan ahead.
    Folsom Chevrolet always honors their employees' birthdays each month with a large birthday cake.

  I made sure that I took a few moments today to have a yogurt before they cut the cake.  It satisfied my "sweet tooth" along with saving me many points that would have been wasted on a small piece of cake.

Moods & Foods: Today is a good day! I exercised this AM while doing laundry. (It is a boring way to multi-task...but it works!) 
I found that birthday cakes are too many points to take in during the first 2 weeks on program! It could be worthwhile once you are comfortable with the new Points Plus Program though.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

First Week Down....

...and it ended well overall.  Anytime you lose weight means it is a happy ending - so this was a "Happy Ending" week.
I ended up with a 3.5 pound loss...which is good.  I am sure it could have been better though. I did not exercise the 4 times I wanted to this first week (but then -the plan states I should learn about the Activity points this week..not do them!)
I now have 17.8 pounds to go to reach my goal weight...

Moods & Foods: Today could have been a very emotional day...but I muddled through it fairly well. That in return did not trigger any type of over-eating.
I did splurge with a piece of beef for dinner tonight. I was smart enough to weigh out the portion size -but more important is that I did not go back for seconds...even though it melted in your mouth!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Something I Noticed...

Weight Watchers Online eTools has a Beta chart that gives you a visual perspective of when you are eating your food.

It made me realize that the one day that I did not eat breakfast was the day that I did not feel satisfied.
My suggestion is to make sure you eat all your meals at the approximate proper times - you will feel better and it will help to fuel your body properly!

Moods & Foods: My mood is good -I felt like I had more energy throughout the day.
Food wise..I did not take the time to eat my apple today so I ended up shy on my fruits and veggie count for the day...so this is just a reminder to make sure you take a fruit & veggie break each day.

Friday, May 13, 2011


I feel full and bloated today - which is not a good way to feel!

I stayed within my points allowed so I will just have to wait and see where I am come Sunday AM!!

Moods & Foods: It was a strange workday today plus I have phone calls that had to be made.  I am glad it is over with.I can tell I need to go to bed because I am thinking of snacks!!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

A Full Day at Work..

Today was a full day at work so I had to plan my meals carefully. Lunch packed- a frozen meal in the freezer at work....plenty of water and the determination to say "NO" when the co-workers go out to get food.Today was a successful day!  I made sure that I had time to eat my meals and drink plenty of water.

I also suffered through the smell of freshly baked Ciro's Calzones without regret!
Moods & Foods: The mood is okay considering the conversations with siblings...
Do you have any idea just how many different flavors you can give chicken breast simply by changing the seasonings? Experiment as you cook a small strip of chicken breast. It is an easy way to get a protein without it tasting the same every day.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Planning a Day Out

Today was a day that I had to be careful what I ate. It was spent away from home so I wrote down everything I ate and "guesstimated" my points. 
I got home at 10 PM and I am happy to say that my points work out to exactly what I am allowed for the day!

Moods & Foods: Today was a great day! It was spent with family -including all the grandchildren.
I was lucky enough that there was plenty of vegetables to load up on today..along with chicken breast.  These are some of the safest foods you can have if you are away from home. 
I guess chasing grandchildren all over the yard and home isn't considered a workout..but I don't need the exercise point...I will take that as a reward anytime!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

An Important Tool....

I know from my previous weight loss experience that a food scale is very important.  I have kept one handy for years now.
This scale has been very important to me these first few days.   I know I am pointing correctly because I am actually weighing out my portions.

Moods & Foods: I am still in a positive mood. I feel like am in complete control right now.
My food discovery today is that the salad dressing that is 0 points is not worth saving a couple of points! The Kozlowski Farms Raspberry Poppy Seed Fat Free dressing will be thrown out when it is garbage day.
I did get some exercise in also. I just want to make sure I do some sort of exercise at least 4 times a week to begin with - so I have 2 down and 2 to go!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Points Plus Changes...

I had learned the old WeightWatchers point program so well years ago that I still remembered point values and calculations.  Imagine my shock when I found out the "Oroweat Sandwich Thins" bread converts to 3 points on the new PointsPlus system compared to the 1 point on the old program.  The days of "3-point sandwiches" are long gone.

Moods & Foods My mood is still good overall...even if there was a little more stress and activity at work today plus I received a letter from an attorney.
I was not able to eat when I should have...but I did manage to meet my exact daily point intake intake though!
No extra exercise today-but I will make sure I get some tomorrow.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

It Is Now Official...

Sunday Mornings will be my weekly official "weigh-in" which means I now know exactly how much I need to lose to reach my chosen "goal weight"....and now so does everyone else!

Moods & Foods: Today my mood was good. I had no side effects that some get when they do start a new "life health plan".
 I found Kellogg's™ Special K™ Cracker Chips with Sea Salt. It will give me the saltiness of chips for a low point count. 
 I also had a chance to walk 1.7 miles in 27 minutes.  That little bit of exercise gave me 2 extra points to play with.

My Journey Begins...

I recently saw a photo of myself and realized that the weight I lost 10 years ago has been creeping back on. Heck- who do I think I am kidding??  I am going to be brutally honest here- so I am going to admit that I had actually noticed it before and was sure that I could get it back off by following the old WeightWatchers rules that I had learned the last time.
That didn't work...
 ...I know  that I need to answer to someone other than myself...so I have decided to give myself a special Mother's Day present - the gift of health.  As of today- Mother's Day 2011 -I will be answering to the WeightWatchers Online website and to this blog...my own personal "diary" that is out there on the web.